- Adventure Mode
- Adventurer
- Adventurer's Home
- Anti Potions
- Anvil-Axe
- Arenas PvP Combat
- Asterion
- Asterion's Labyrinth
- Attack Potions
- Axe
- Azura Flora Abyss
- AzureFlora Abyss
- Bags
- Bank
- Baramy Dragon
- Basic Sword
- Bats
- Battle Points
- Battle Royale
- Beginner House
- Bloodmoon Castle
- Bo
- Bomb
- Bookstore
- Bosses
- Breath
- Breathing Potions
- Broom Enchantment
- Centipede
- Changelog
- Characters
- Chat Commands
- Chests
- Cloud Mount
- Clouds
- Cloudy Sky
- Coins
- Controls
- Currency & Stats
- Cursed Cave
- Damage Ball
- DanMa Caverns
- Dancie Spikes
- Daragorn
- Daragorn's Lair
- Dark Caves
- Death
- Deathbringer
- Defender
- Defense Potions
- Diamonds
- DragonBlood
- Dragonet
- Drosyra
- Dungeons
- Dyam crystals
- Effects
- Elements
- Enchanted Forest
- Experience
- FAQs
- Fairy Forest
- Famous people
- Fang of Drako
- Fanon:Corrupt White mage
- Fanon:Gobattle 2
- Fanon:LePoland
- Fanon:Samurai
- Fast kills
- Fatigue
- Feeble’s Deathtrap
- Firebreath
- Firebreath's Lair
- Fish
- Foods
- Free/Leaked Accounts
- Freeze Potions
- Friendly Townsfolk
- Friends
- Frostbite Dungeon
- Game Modes
- Gates
- Ghoramy
- Ghost
- Glitches/Bugs
- Gobattle Discord servers
- Gobattle Youtubers
- Gobattleio Wiki
- Golden Blade
- Gorgkin
- Gorkhon
- Gravity Potions
- Halloween
- Hats
- Health
- Health Potions
- Health Regeneration Potions
- History
- House Dungeon
- Hydra
- Ice Caverns
- Inn
- Inventory
- Invincibility Potions
- Invincible Time
- Invisibility Potions
- Items
- Katana
- King Mode
- King Reputation
- King of Valdoran
- Knife
- Krakopus
- Krakopus ink
- Kron Waterfalls
- Laser
- Lava
- Lava Potions
- Library
- Library Contents
- Mace
- Magma Caves
- Mermaid Enchantment
- Mobs
- Moving Platforms
- Moving Spikes
- Multi-effect Potions
- Necro Summon
- Neewe Caves
- New accounts guide
- Norydu Hive
- Path of Oblivion
- Pendants
- People: Developers
- People: Dominus X
- People: Hackers
- People: Scammers
- Player Level
- Potions
- Private Server
- Professions
- Projectiles
- Pvp technique
- Ram
- Rats
- Ravanor's Land
- Relic Hunter
- Rings
- Rock
- Rocks
- Ruins of Kalambria
- Rules
- Saw
- Sawmill
- Scale Caves
- Seasonal Events
- Shado
- Shields
- Shops
- Shuriken
- Shurikens
- Sir Valkan's Stronghold
- Skills & Inventory
- Skubys house
- Sky's Prison
- Sleigh Enchantment
- Snake-Skull Boss
- Snowballs
- Soulbreaker Sword
- Soulless Archer
- Soulless Cryo
- Soulless Dragonrider
- Soulless Gunner
- Soulless Maulman
- Soulless Pyro
- Soulless Swordman
- Spear
- Special Items
- Speed Potion
- Speedruns
- Spider
- Spider's Nest
- Spikes
- Stahmite Mines
- Sting
- Summer Event
- Test: Main Page
- Test: Ultrarares
- The Bronze Medal
- The Gold Medal
- The Silver Medal
- The Unknown Merchant
- Torch
- Trading
- Trident
- Tutorial Dungeon
- Ultrarares
- Underwater Magma Caves
- Underwater Mine
- Updates
- Valdoran
- Valdoran's Tournament
- ViaSar Castle
- Water
- Well
- Whip
- Wings
- Winter Wonderland
- Yeti
- Youtubers